Back-Saving Tips for Gardeners
The days are getting longer and brighter, the flowers are starting to sprout, and your inspired to get your hands dirty in your garden. Gardening is a great past time and very rewarding, but for some there is a painful consequence from continuous slouching, bending, and lifting heavy loads. Here are some tips to keep your back safe during the gardening season:
Warm up: Like any other physical activity, a warm up is a way of preparing your body for new movements. In fact, it only takes 3 minutes to warm up! Do your future self a favor and take a moment to warm up your muscles before you start gardening.
Drink Water: When you are physically active hydration is very important, don’t forget to keep a bottle of water close to you.
Take a Break: Its easy to loose track of time when you are having fun digging in the dirt, but a well deserved 10-20 minute break is a great pain prevention tool. Take the time to stretch out, and re fuel.
Watch out for heavy loads: Keep in mind lifting smaller loads are better for your joints, and your back. If you must lift a heavy load ask for help or use a tool to decrease the stress on your own body.
Listen to your body: If you are already feeling the signs of being over worked…STOP and listen to your body. These are premature signals that you might be soar or worse later if you continue the job. Evaluate your tasks and leave a job for another day.
Keep your joints and back safe and healthy with theses gardening tips.